Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year (and my favorite Holiday card)!

What an insane end to the year it was, lots of fun! And a tad of stress, I'll admit to that. I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday, here's to a Healthy & Happy New Year for us all!

We had an oh-so-exciting night last night, we stayed home with the kids and fondued, played Connect 4, and watched a movie together. I woke up at 10:30pm, and all 4 of us were konked out on the sofa together, kind of cute...kind of pathetic! Such is life, and I'd have it no other way!

The year started off with a "bang". Let me explain first, before I get reported to the "Bad-Mom-Police". My Father-In-Law was one of the first Jamestown "Penguin Plunge"-ers, some 32 years ago. My husband has been going in for maybe 25 years now. If you are unfamiliar, a very large group of fruitcakes jump into the freezing cold ocean on 12 noon New Years Day...to raise money for the Special Olympics. For those of you wondering, I've only done this myself once, in high school, back when a bathing suit and I went well together in 35 degree weather. I have always told my husband that when my son turned 5, I would agree to his doing the Penguin Plunge IF and ONLY IF he wanted to. (Between you and I, I had my doubts that a 5 year old, let alone MY 5 year old, would actually choose to do this).

But today my 5 year old chose to...he went into the water, did a cannonball, and came back out. Oddly, he didn't complain of being cold...he was more annoyed with that itchiness you get after being in the salt water. I was more concerned with warming my little man afterwards than taking my camera back out in the rain to get an "After" shot, but here is the "Before".

Sorry Santa! Wow did he get an earful that day. She wanted a kitchen, some cinnamon toast (yes, toast), and some clothes for her baby...and she made sure Santa knew all of this! Doesn't she kind of look like she wants to backhand him here???!

One of my final clients of 2007, such a precious shot!

And DRUM ROLL please............
My favorite Holiday card of 2007!!!

I obviously changed the names for privacy reasons. This card just cracks me up every time I look at it! It kind of summarized what the session was like, and Mom said it summarizes what their house is like...so we ran with that, and I LOVE how original it is!

You just have to love people with a great sense of humor! Happy 2008!