Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sneak Peeks

In case you know of anybody, I am going to be looking for several "Senior Reps" come Springtime. These will be local high school students who are willing to "play model", get lots of photos taken at no expense, and then help me recruit people from their schools for Senior portraits for the Fall. This would have to be someone who likes to "play dress up", considers themself photogenic, and isn't scared of the camera...I have lots of ideas in mind that I want to try out! If you know of anybody in any local schools, please forward them my website and/or email address. This is a niche I'm very excited to start doing more of!

These are from a couple of sessions from the past 2 days, just quick little sneak peeks, and then I'm off to edit some more of them! I had another ballerina in the house today!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

I was weeding through some albums tonight, and thought I'd post some of my personal favorites of the past year of my own little Valentines. Some of my favorites are on my website already, so I'll spare you those.

Stay tuned...I'm going to be posting my favorite client images of 2007 pretty soon, with a poll attached to see what everyone's favorite is!!! The owner of the winning image will get a FREE 8x10 of that image, and a gift certificate for another free 8x10 of their favorite shot from their next session!

My son and one of his good friends this past Summer.

A girl after my own heart, she loves her Sox hat!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Keeping up to day with my blog was seriously one of my New years Resolutions. But you know how those things go, right?

My daughter started ballet recently, so I of course had to put her the grueling process of some snazzy photos in her ridiculously cute little outfit. This first one is my favorite, even though it doesn't scream "her" to me...the 2nd one does that moreso!

This little guy had the funnest little personality!

I have more to add, but this is about all the time I have for now...check back soon!