Saturday, March 15, 2008

Time Flies

Who can believe it's mid-March already?! I can't. Mid-March means that my baby girl just turned "3", and my son turns 6 next month. My daughter's cowgirl birthday party is this weekend. I actually haven't done her 3 year photos yet (Geez, what's her Mom do for a living anyway?), but I will share her invitation which shows her in her snazzy cowgirl outfit! Pretty cute, huh? The little talk bubble says "Don't make me come after y'all".

I also had another killer maternity session yesterday, so SO much fun! I just love sessions like this, there are just too many incredible shots to even show them all to you. We did a lot of different things, she just completely rocked it! This is her 4th baby, and I swear I didn't edit a single stretch mark. Sigh.