Monday, June 30, 2008

Fun fun!

I had a visit from an old college friend, and here are just a couple of the shots from the session! I think we did pretty good, considering there were 4 kids involved!!! The one of the four of them together just cracks me up!

Until next time!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Holy Cow

What an insanely successful session this was! I'm sitting here mass-editing sessions, and had to share a few from this one. I may have to share more of this session later...I have a feeling there will be more great ones!
(If you click on them, you can see them larger)

Monday, June 23, 2008


Things have been borderline nutso lately. Luckily, school is out for the Summer as of this past Friday. Baseball, soccer and ballet have ended within the last week as now it's just the daily grind of Summer! I've been having some great sessions lately, and now that extra-curriculars have ended, I can catch up on everything else!!!

By the way, have I mentioned that I am so not crazy about the way these photos look on Blogger? They just look way better to me on my computer and when printed out than they do here...but maybe it's just me being anal!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day!

Just popping in quick to post a couple shots from recent sessions!