Monday, October 27, 2008


I promised a few people I'd post a shot from their recent sessions, so here they are! Things have been busy, to say the least. Only 6 weeks until I go on Vacation, so it's time to kick it onto high gear. I left myself a couple of days here to edit all day, and also get the holiday card designs posted. So look for those within the next couple of days!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Long Time...No Post

Things have been hectic to say the least! But I've been having lots of fun with my sessions, despite the late night editing. I left the next two days open, so hopefully I can catch up on a big chunk of my editing. Here are a few of my recent favorites, look for more soon as I get through my chunk of editing!

This is a repeat client who I recently saw, and she always gives me some of my favorite shots! This one if no different, I love everything about it.

The eyes on this girl are amazing!

My new "foliage" spot that I found recently, the ducks and swans that always show up are just a bonus!

You simplay can't NOT smile at this little guy, he had cheeks to die for!

I don't get to photograph too many kids that are a little bit older...which is too bad, I love to!