Ooh...first of all, check out the Elf link off to the top right here. I was up working this past week, and laughed for a good 5 minutes straight after making that at 2am. My daughter's hips were just cracking me up!
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Holiday cards? I love making them, sending them, receiving them, just love them. I'm feeling some pressure this year, since I had so many compliments on last year's card. Not sure I can live up, but I did manage to tackle my kids last weekend to attempt their photos. I got fantastic ones of each of them solo, but I just don't have the energy (or desire) to attempt one of them together. I'm MUCH more patient with everyone else's kids, my own get the brunt of my impatience, poor things. I'll post my own card here once I send them out (and oh yeah, order them). And I may pick a couple of my favorites and post them after the Holidays as well! I already know who's winning so far (initials PB!!).
These could be my easiest clients ever, and this is the second year I've taken their photos. I don't think they are capable of photographing poorly, I really don't. And if anyone wants to know how to dress their kiddos for photos...check this out! This is sheer perfection, look at that alternating brown and pink color scheme working! Love.

Also, SUPER easy clients, made my day when they came! And look at the outfits, loving that! I'm always up for some winter hats and scarves! In fact, that's what my own kids are sporting in our Christmas card this year!

And this is purely for comic relief. I chopped my daughter's hair to a bob today, so her bangs can have a fighting chance at catching up to the rest. And as I'm snapping a picture of it, she jams the ol' finger up there.