Okay, first photo is my son on Halloween. You can't tell me he's not the coolest looking vampire! Love that kid! Don't ask about Miss Thang (aka Snow White), she was anti-camera that day. We're putting her costume back on for some pictures, (today, hopefully).

Probably one of the more photogenic kids I've taken pictures of in a while!

I LOVE this shot! They just look so comfortable and relaxed with each other. And it was a self-inspired pose, they made it up!

Love the content look here too, as if it wasn't at all forced (ahem...and it was...well, a little). :)

For those that have been to my house, I have a photo of my son and husband like this on our front wall. This was an attempt to sort of recreate it...except not with my husband...or with my child! I think we did pretty well!!

Edited to add: "Snow White" didn't do too badly today! This was my favorite, even though it didn't show her costume too well.